Nautical units not registered sailing on Lugano Lake must be provided with proper identifications, according to law 11/15/2011 n. 203 and art. 17 of the international regulations for navigation on the Lakes Maggiore and Lugano.

Are exempt from the requirement of marks (article 17, paragraph 5, of the rules of procedure):

  • vessels of the shipping companies dealerships regular services;
  • vessels whose length is less than 2.5 m;
  • the canoes, kayaks, Paddle boats and other vessels not equipped with the similar engine as well as the sailing surfboards;
  • racing rowing boats.

To get registered in the list and the release of the marks you need to provide
an application to the Office of the local police of Porlezza, attaching the following documents:

The cost of entry on the list and the issuance of Registration and identification marks is
estimated at € 30.00. Once paid this amount and received the stamped form from the local police you can sailing on Lugano Lugano. The identification marks shall be marked on each side of the vessel and aft, in a visible position.


MONDAY: from 11:00 to 12:00 a.m
SATURDAY: from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.